The Homeschool Family Hotspot

When I was a teenager, my favorite place to go was the library. Sometimes, I would visit two or three libraries in a day. While most teenage girls were into fashion and shopping, the only store in the mall I wanted to visit was the book store. I was (am) pretty nerdy! The library was wonderful to me for two reasons: 1. I could find a number of my fave books on the shelves and 2. I didn’t have to spend a fortune on them (except for the occasionally steep library fine, but I digress). I would venture into the library with my backpack and wishlist of books and once there spend hours lounging on a couch or hidden around a corner engrossed in reading at a desk.

Fast-forward twenty years later and my passion for libraries has increased exponentially.  For the homeschooling family, the library plays a number of roles:

A Haven of Resources

My oldest daughter is entering that anxiety-ridden time of standardized test preparation for college entrance. I’m talking PSAT, ACT, SAT, and the junior college entrance exam if she wants to take dual-credit courses. I’ve done some research online and the prices for even the self-paced test prep courses are $300! It’s enough to blow any curriculum budget, but did I panic? No, I did not (once I got over sticker shot)! I simply went to the local library and discovered up-to-date test prep guides that my daughter can go through for free! Not to mention the library often provides free or low-cost classes that can save money as well.

My littles can also embark on a new adventure every week, going through the library aisles picking out new books to read and new videos to watch! Many of the libraries also have video game consoles, e-readers, and other digital products that make them even more of a great place to hangout!

A Homeschool Meet & Greet

There is something electric in the air when two homeschool moms are in the library with school-age children in the middle of the day. A knowing. An instant camaraderie when one of us stands behind the other with our wagon-load of the books, waiting to be checked out. New to your community? If your library doesn’t have a formal homeschool weekly meet up or weekly homeschool activities during the day, rest assured going to the library in the middle of the day with your kids is a good start to finding other homeschoolers in the area.

What About Socialization ? We Go To The Library!

Nowadays, recognizing that homeschoolers are some their most loyal patrons, local libraries have evolved beyond just the traditional preschool Storytime hour. There are teen homeschool activities, service opportunities within the larger community, book clubs, and special events.  There’s even a number of adult classes and activities for you to participate in as enrichment and a way to get out of the house.

Somewhere Other Than Chick-Fil-A, McDonald's, or The Park!

So, there are very few places where we can go and just hangout for free. The library from a budgetary perspective is priceless! Our local library has puzzles, coloring sheets, and a Lego table, board games, and cool sitting areas in the children’s section that keep my little ones engaged long enough for this mama to have a breather! If they were to put a train table in there I would seriously consider setting up camp! Sometimes, we just want a place that isn’t loud, crowded, or uncomfortable due to changes in the weather. And for goodness sake’ I don’t want to feel pressured to spend money on “snacks” that for us would run $10-$20 a pop! Oh, the joys of the free library for the frugal homeschool mom!


The library is an undiscovered treasure that lies in plain sight. It is so much more that shelves of books. For homeschooling families it can be a hub of activity and opportunity.