Homeschoolers of all ages can benefit greatly from learning about Spanish language and Hispanic culture.

The world is full of diverse peoples and rich language. In this post, I explain the importance of learning about these different perspectives. I also point out 5 key benefits to knowing about Hispanic culture and the Spanish language.

Get ready to uncover just how easy it is to turn your homeschooler into a globally aware individual!

Why it's Important to Learn about Other Cultures and Languages

Modern technology and transportation enables us to visit and communicate with people from all over the globe. As a result, the world is becoming increasingly more interconnected than ever before.

However, this bridge between countries creates new problems as well. Cultural differences and language barriers are huge obstacles that travelers and global communicators face. Businesses that try to market in other countries are prone to translation errors, misinterpretations, and cultural misunderstandings.

That’s why there is a huge need for bilingual and culturally sensitive individuals. People who speak second languages and understand different cultures are able to create smoother connections.

5 Valuable Benefits to Learning about Hispanic Culture and the Spanish Language

With over 53 million Spanish speakers in the United States and more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries in the world, the Spanish language and Hispanic culture open the door to thousands of opportunities.

Since Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the U.S., it’s no surprise that it’s also one of the most sought after languages for employers. By learning about Hispanic culture and the Spanish language, your homeschooler will be set up for success.

1. Ability to Travel

One of the most obvious benefits of learning a foreign language is the ability to travel. Language barriers can prevent potential globetrotters from visiting a new country. Learning a second language immediately opens up the door to these different areas of the world. By helping your homeschooler learn Spanish early on, they will feel more comfortable traveling later in life.

Traveling itself also has added value. Globetrotters are aware of what’s going on around the world. They stay informed and gain multiple perspectives. This information helps them see global issues in a more holistic way. 

2. Cultural Competence

The ability to communicate in a second language is a valuable skill, but the global knowledge and compassion that comes with it is just as important! Language lessons can actually increase your student’s understanding of diversity, empathy, and cultural competence.

The United States is well-known as a “melting pot” of different cultures and languages. With an increasingly diverse population, the United States is still living up to this name. By being aware of different social norms abroad, your homeschooler will have greater success in interacting with people who are different from them.

3. Higher Salary

According to the Economist, bilingual employees can earn $50,000 to $125,000 more just from knowing a foreign language! This makes learning Spanish a lucrative choice for homeschoolers.

The reason for the higher salary is fairly straightforward. There simply aren’t enough bilingual employees to go around! Only about 20-30% of the U.S. population is bilingual. However, nearly every employer would benefit from having workers who can speak multiple languages. In fact, bilingualism is increasingly becoming a common qualification on job applications. This gives bilingual speakers a huge edge over the monolingual workforce.

CNN Business even named bilingualism as the hottest skill for job seekers!

4. Better Communication

It takes more than grammar and vocabulary to become a master communicator! Body language, regional customs, traditions, and facial expressions are just some of the many core aspects of communication.

Language learners are more aware of these social cues as they heavily rely on them in the beginning of the learning process. When you aren’t speaking with someone in your native tongue, you have to pay closer attention to what their body is saying. As a result, bilinguals are better equipped to communicate with people from all backgrounds.

5. Greater Connections

As humans, the ability to create meaningful connections with others is one of the most rewarding experiences to have. When you decide to teach your student Spanish, you are giving them the unique opportunity to talk with a wider range of people.

With over 53 million Spanish speakers in the United States and more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries in the world, this language is perfect for creating lasting connections.

Exciting Ways to Get Started

Learning a new language can seem daunting at first, but with consistent practice your homeschooler will quickly improve. All of the hard work will pay off as they get to experience the many benefits of learning about a new culture and language. Here are a few key tips and tricks to help set your student on the multicultural path!

Attend Class

Although there are thousands of language learning resources online and in stores, nothing can replace real class time. Class time enables teachers to keep their students on pace and to personalize their lesson plans. Additionally, when you sign your student up for a class, they are held accountable. It’s easier to ignore a Duolingual notification than to skip a paid for class!

Listen to Music

One of the greatest benefits to learning about Hispanic culture are the amazing new songs your homeschooler will get to listen to. From Spanish Flamenco to Argentinian Salsa, there are thousands of popular sounds to explore. Listening to music can even improve pronunciation and listening skills. Jamming out to a foregin playlist is one of the easiest ways to practice!

Watch Movies

Unfortunately, you can’t always drop everything and move to another country for an immersion experience. Luckily, movies bring the language and culture to your own home! From your laptop or TV you can easily stream foreign films on Netflix, Hulu, or even YouTube. Take advantage of modern technology by bringing Spanish-speaking culture to your TV. Your student will not only get to practice their Spanish, but also see new ways of life. 

The Easiest Way for Homeschoolers to Learn Spanish

While movies and music are great ways to bring Spanish into your home, they won’t get your homeschooler to fluency. The best way to teach Spanish at home is with a native-speaking teacher.

Homeschool Spanish Academy solves this problem by offering online language classes designed to help students achieve fluency faster. Through completely online learning, students get to practice Spanish with certified teachers from Guatemala in the comfort of their own home!

Children have an incredible ability to absorb and learn unfamiliar sounds while they are young. According to Dr. Curtiss, the earlier your homeschooler begins, the easier it will be for them to pick up the language. Take advantage of your child’s ability to gain fluency quickly by signing them up for a free Spanish class. They will be speaking Spanish after just one class!

Get Started with Homeschool Spanish Academy Today!

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Picture of Faustina Melnik

Faustina Melnik

As a native English speaker, I’ve spent over 6 years perfecting my Spanish. My studies have led me to major in Spanish, translate documents at a local museum, and communicate with people I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to know. I’ve studied abroad in Spain, lived in Yellowstone National Park for a summer, and volunteered in Costa Rica. I’m a passionate travel enthusiast seeking to share my love for all things Latin America.