I am so excited about this awesome discussion I had with my fellow black homeschool mom and published children’s author, Courtney B. Dunlap. This is a topic that has been on my heart for a number of years to discuss, but I’ve held it because I didn’t want my feelings to hurt others or be misunderstood. However, with the influx of new black homeschoolers on the rise due to COVID-19 and the possibility that these families will permanently join the ranks of black homeschoolers, I felt this was a good time to have the discussion of why we need each other. Homeschooling can be isolating and connections and interactions with other homeschooling families not only encourages us, but it helps us to feel supported and like we’re not in it alone. Take a moment and watch the video below as we delve into the issue of why black homeschoolers need each other, whether the idea itself is racist, and our personal experiences within the larger homeschooling community.

Have you watched the video? Feel Free to Comment!

Check out my friend Courtney B. Dunlap's New Children's Book and Homeschool Website Below!

Courtney B. Dunlap


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