In All Thy Ways

When people find out that we’re homeschoolers the response is usually something along the lines of, “Oh, I could never do that, I don’t have enough [insert- patience, time, finances, etc]. The overarching premise is that homeschooling is too much of an undertaking. Well, I’m here to confirm it—homeschooling is too much of an undertaking! It’s a God-sized task and I’m so glad I’ve never been left to do it all by myself!

Homeschooling is messy, difficult at times, chaotic, and challenging. It takes all of you and then some. It’s also one of the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had.

God has led us every step of the way. When we weren’t sure we could afford the cost of curriculum and the financial strain of transitioning from two incomes to one income, He was there. He made a way where there was no way.

When I was at my wits end and battling burnout and depression, God was there. He renewed my heart and mind in Scripture. He blessed me with a supportive, encouraging husband and kids as committed to homeschooling as I am.

When I desired extra income that I could earn without impacting my household, God provided. When I wanted to pursue a hobby that could act as an outlet for my creative energy, once again, God provided.


Through doubts, fears, and uncertainty, God has led us on our homeschool journey. He has faithfully blessed us to do more than we ever thought we could and grown us in ways we never could’ve predicted. If you’re considering homeschool for your family, but you’re on the fence about whether or not you should take the plunge, I would encourage you to let God lead. He won’t lead you astray.