1. Our Kids Are Blessings...

  • Not burdens
  • Not inconveniences
  • Not reasons to drink
  • Not obstacles to be overcome
  • Not nuisances
  • Not annoyances

I’m sure many of us can relate to laughing at memes, tweets, and social media posts joking about trying to escape our children. We’ve chuckled at the lengths parents have gone to trying to corral kiddos during this season–lamenting the fact that they can’t wait to be rid of their kids again. It’s supposed to be comic relief, but behind every jest is a little truth. Unfortunately, more than a little if I look at the sheer volume of these kind of social media posts. Seriously, its becoming less funny and more troubling.

When did we start having such consistently negative attitudes about the children we gave birth to? The kids that have our DNA, that mimic us and soak up our every move like sponges? Maybe the problem is not our children, but us. Maybe our kids are a reflection of us and we don’t like what we see. 

Whatever the source of our discontent that we’ve masked in humor, I hope that during this quarantine we’ve really tried to reconnect with our children as people and appreciate them more. If this pandemic has taught us anything, its that we can be here today and gone the next. Our children are our legacies and our future. It’s time we start to cherish our children more knowing that life is short.

2. A Little More Respect For Homeschoolers

Put some respeck on it! Yup! I said what I said. Many homeschoolers have reminded society at large that there is a difference between crisis schooling (scrambling to do school at home during this crisis) and homeschooling (what we do throughout the year).  Many have us homeschoolers have had to endure dismissive, condescending, and downright rude comments from uninformed friends, family members, and acquaintances with grace. But I’ve also seen homeschoolers readily share resources, tips, and encouragement during these uncertain times. Many of us have had nothing but compassion for public school parents  who suddenly find themselves having to take primary responsibility for their child’s education.


I hope that after this quarantine, public schoolers and homeschoolers can stop giving each other the side-eye and instead respect each other’s choices more. We each have our reasons for making the choices we have regarding our children’s education. Neither road is easy and seasons can change. Today’s homeschoolers can become tomorrow’s public schoolers and vice versa. This quarantine has proven that even our educational choices can be upended, but when that happens we can still help each other.

Some have undergone an even more radical transformation in perspective during this quarantine.  They’ve enjoyed having their kids with them, knowing what their kids are learning each day, and how they’re learning. They’ve become empowered during this time, in spite of not having all of the outside activities and resources. It has opened their eyes to what’s possible if they have those outside activities and decide to take the plunge and homeschool out of choice rather than necessity. I hope those parents who have felt this way, keep an open mind, and join the ranks of homeschoolers who have had similar epiphanies.


Jesus Is The Answer. Period.

It is so easy to fall into complacency when it comes to our relationship with Christ. We can feel good about ourselves going to church, reading the Word, studying the Bible, and doing good works. But all of our “doings” can easily become routine-driven and checklist oriented if we’re not careful. I am guilty as charged with this. I’ve struggled to connect with God and struggled to connect with his church (the people, not the building). But this pandemic has reaffirmed for me that without Jesus, I am nothing. All the hobbies, and “things” I find to distract me can vanish suddenly and you know who will be there when everything around me disappears? Jesus! He is my hope, my peace from fear and worry, my Provider.  Everything hinges upon Him—not our government, our medical experts, or our media. We sing this in worship, we say this often, but this pandemic has brought truth back into focus. There has supposedly been an increase in people purchasing Bibles and trying to reconnect with God during these trying times. I believe many have turned to Him in faith as everything around us seems to be sinking sand. I pray that even as things get back to “normal” we don’t forget our revived faith in Jesus.